I’m super honored and very excited to have been featured in the popular blog, Travel Notes & Storytelling: https://www.travelnotesandstorytelling.com/tack-sharp-photos-of-birds-in-flight/?
Marie Goff is the talent behind this informative and entertaining blog site. It was her love of adventure and learning that led Marie to join the military. After a long career with the National Guard, she continues that love of adventure and learning through her travels and her writing.
“I travel, take pictures, and write stories, to learn and inspire others. Near or far, every destination is unique, exhilarating, and fresh. I strive to capture these in every story, especially highlighting people and places, and current events that shape the experiences.”
Wanting to improve her photography techniques for photographing birds and other wildlife, Marie joined my workshop at the Center for Birds of Prey this past fall: https://www.thecenterforbirdsofprey.org/visit/special_events/instructor-led-photography-workshop/. We all had a fantastic time learning tips and tricks to improve our capture-rate of these beautiful creatures. Marie’s blog post shares about her experience, her success, and what she learned.
I hope you’ll visit her blog and subscribe to her email list. Enjoy!

Avian, Avian Conservation Center, Bird, Birds of Prey, Center for Birds of Prey, Charleston Center for Birds of Prey, Charleston Nature Photographer, Charleston Wildlife Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D500, Eagle, Falcon, Feather, Flight, Hawk, Kestrel, Kite, Mt. Pleasant Nature Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Wildlife Photographer, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Love, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Owl, Wing, Blog