Breanna & Logan’s Surprise Proposal on Middle Atlantic Wharf

For over two months now, Logan and I have been secretly planning his surprise proposal to his sweetheart, Breanna!

These two beautiful souls started dating when they were just 15 years old. And when you find your soulmate, you hold onto them, right?!? That’s why Logan decided it was time to ask Breanna to spend the rest of her life with him!

After fretting about the weather all week with Hurricane Michael bearing down on us, the big day finally arrived. And WOW, did we end up with a gorgeous day after all!!! I arrived at our planned location early and hid myself out of sight. Right on cue, Logan expertly guided Breanna to the exact spot, dropped to bended knee, and asked for her hand in marriage. In my dark hiding place, I had to fight back the tears so that I could stay focused on capturing the big event!

In life, we are each given a handful of rare moments that take our breath away and fill our hearts with pure joy. This was one of those moments for me.

CONGRATULATIONS Breanna & Logan! We wish you all the best as you begin your new journey together!!!

Christina & Jeff’s Secret Proposal at Magnolia Plantation

Jeff and I have been covertly corresponding about his Secret Proposal to his beautiful girlfriend, Christina, since back in March!!! It’s been so much fun coming up with the perfect plan together. It really showed me how much he truly loves this amazing young lady!

The Big Day finally arrived yesterday. As they were enjoying the House Tour at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens, I was getting the stage set and getting in my hiding place. When the tour was done, Jeff led Christina down a winding path and stopped underneath a gorgeous live oak tree. He read a wonderful speech he had prepared for Christina. Than got down on his knee to ask for her hand in marriage.


Afterwards we spent some time walking through the gardens, photographing fun engagement photos, and enjoying the evening together. Christina was so excited. She could hardly keep her eyes off her amazing new ring.  And she couldn’t stop hugging and loving on Jeff the whole time!  🙂

It was an honor and a pleasure to be a part of this special occasion for Christina & Jeff. CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!!

Meredith & Peyton’s Secret Proposal at White Point Garden

It’s been a looong time coming!!!

Peyton, with the help of his incredible family, has been secretly planning his proposal to Meredith in the heart of beautiful downtown Charleston for months! Yesterday, the big day finally arrived. The dreary weather had finally cleared away, leaving us the perfect day for him to ask for her hand in marriage.

But when I got to the spot we had so carefully picked out at The Battery Park, the city of Charleston had roped it all off to let the grass grow in!  After a flurry of frantic texts back and forth, we had an excellent “Plan B” in place. Fortunately, Meredith still had no clue what was in store.  So everything turned out PERFECT!!!

After she said “Yes”, the three of us had a wonderful time strolling through the park, around the old historic district, and along The Battery, capturing amazing engagement photos as we went. Returning to the park, his family was there to congratulate the newly engaged couple, before sending them off on a romantic carriage ride.  To see the rest of their images, visit:

Longtime sweethearts from ECU (and recent graduates I might add), Meredith and Peyton are absolutely perfect for each other!!! I was so honored, and had so much fun capturing this exciting once-in-a-lifetime event for them.

CONGRATULATIONS Meredith & Petyon! We wish you all the best for a beautiful new life together…

Jessica & Joseph’s Secret Proposal at Charlestowne Landing

I have a confession. Joseph and I have been in cahoots for several weeks! We’ve been sneaking around behind Jessica’s back, sending cryptic messages and false emails to throw her off our trail. Why? Well, we’ve been planning this AMAZING secret proposal for the love of his life!!! 🙂

This morning, the big day FINALLY arrived! It was so cool to watch Joseph lead his beautiful girlfriend down the elegant avenue of oaks at Charlestowne Landing, where he asked her to marry him on bended knee under a cathedral of giant trees.

To our knowledge, this is the first time anyone has captured a proposal this magical place. Many thanks to Courtney and the fine folks at Charlestowne Landing for all their help in making this happen!

CONGRATULATIONS to Jessica & Joseph! You guys are amazing together! eHarmony should be VERY proud!!! 🙂

Chase & Courtney’s Carriage Ride Proposal

Valentine’s Day is special to a lot of couples. But this year, it was EXTRA special to Chase & Courtney!!!

A few weeks ago, Chase contacted us to let us know his intentions to propose to his girlfriend. Although they are from North Carolina, Courtney LOVEs the history and charm of Charleston! So Chase thought it would be extra special to bring her down for the weekend, and propose on a carriage tour. He arranged for me to be on the same tour, and I brought Cami so that we could pretend to be just another “tourist” couple in town.

Courtney had absolutely NO clue, and everything went as smoothly and perfectly as could be! It was so much fun being a part of their special day. CONGRATULATIONS Chase & Courtney!!!