PGA Media Day

I had the pleasure of photographing the PGA Championships on Kiawah Island back in 2012…before they ejected me for being where I shouldn’t. Some photographers are so annoying, always trying to be creative and trying to capture something unique. Why can’t they all just shoot the same boring images, from the same exact location as the other 50 photographers out there?!? 😉 Luckily, all is forgiven.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being the official photographer for the 2021 PGA Championships Media Day at The Sanctuary on Kiawah Island. Julius Mason, Senior Director of Public Awareness for the PGA, hosted the press conference. Special guests included former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, Director of the PGA Championship, Scott Reid, President of Kiawah Island Golf Resort, Roger Warren, and Charleston Mayor, John Tecklenburg.

After an excellent presentation, panel discussion, and Q&A session, everyone was invited to a wonderful networking luncheon. With gloved hands and hightened security, the Wannamaker Trophy was placed on a beautiful wooden table just outside the lunch area where I had set up a photo station. It was a lot of fun photographing participants and seeing the excitement in their eyes as the pose with this historic hardware!

I’m looking forward to seeing some awesome golf in 20201!!!

Charleston Conference Photographer, Charleston Corporate Photographer, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Meeting Photographer, Charleston Press Conference, Charleston Press Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D850, Kiawah Conference Photographer, Kiawah Event Photographer, Kiawah Island, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Obviouslee Marketing, Ocean Course, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, PGA, PGA Championships, PGA Media Day, PGA Press Conference, Press Conference, Professional Golf Association, SB-5000, The Sanctuary

HCSF Mardi Gras Gala

I had so much fun photographing the HCSF Mardi Gras Gala at Laurel Ridge Country Club in Maggie Valley this weekend! The event has been going on for many years. It’s a fundraiser for several local schools, which is awesome. My cousin, Beth at Beth Brown Photography normally photographs it. But she couldn’t be there this year and asked me to take over. What a BLAST!!!

Beth Brown Photography, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Gala Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, Destination Event Photographer, Destination Gala Photographer, Fundraiser, Mardi Gras, Nikkor, Nikon, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Waynesville, Waynesville Event Photographer, Waynesville Gala Photographer

Kristina & Rob at White Point Gardens

Kristina & Rob are the sweetest couple you could ever hope to meet!
This past weekend their wedding day finally arrived. Kristina and Rob had planned a beautiful intimate celebration, which they called the “Our Family Will Be There Elopement”. 🙂
The ceremony was held at the historic bandstand, also know as The Gazebo, in picturesque White Point Garden down by The Battery. It was a chilly day. But everyone’s energy and love warmed the park, leaving no room for the cold to enter in. Kristina was absolutely BEAUTIFUL in her elegant gown, complete with her mother’s wedding veil. After the ceremony, we had a great time photographing family portraits with all their guests. Then Kristina, Rob, and I took a stroll through the park, along The Battery, and up old historic Church Street towards the reception.
The reception was a delightful private dinner at 82 Queen. Tucked away in an upstairs room, the beautiful couple enjoyed a warm reception, a touching toast, delicious food, and lively conversations surrounded by their supportive family and friends.
CONGRATULATIONS Kristina & Rob!!! We wish you all the best as you begin your new journey together as husband and wife…

Ashley at Lee & Associates

It was a pleasure photographing Ashley this morning at Lee & Associates! Ashley is originally from Ohio, but bounced around through Tennessee and Texas before finally landing in Charleston. She and her husband have been married about a year now. He works for The Citadel. Welcome to a great team, Ashley!!!

Carta Million Mile Club

This morning, I had the distinct honor of photographing some of the most amazing drivers in all of Charleston! These individuals have achieved the amazing mile stone of driving our Carta public transportation buses for 1 Million Miles without a single accident!

The same day I photographed these honorees, TransDev (which operates the Carta fleet) also held a press release announcing their acquisition of 3 electric buses. The plan is to eventually transition the entire fleet to electric vehicles!  How cool is that?!?

Office Headshots

Here’s a little behind-the-scenes peek at the setup I used for photographing headshots in a client’s office today.

The assignment included a Nikon D5, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8, 4 Nikon SB-5000 speedlights, 2 Manfrotto light stands, 2 Westcott umbrellas, and a Lenove laptop tethered to the camera with Adobe Lightroom.

They were a great group and I had a wonderful time working with them!!!

Allen Family Christmas Photo

I’ve known the Allen family since their kids were knee-high to a grasshopper!
It was so much fun catching up with them, and photographing their family Christmas Portrait this year.  This will be the last one before their son goes off to college, which is hard to believe!! Have I really been a professional photographer for THAT LONG?!?  We all had a blast together. They are such a beautiful family. And I particularly enjoyed seeing how grown-up their kids have gotten.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Everyone…

Victoria Capital Management

Earlier this week I had the honor of photographing the AMAZING team at Victoria Capital Management.

Diane and the rest of the firm had just been featured in Charleston Magazine. And they wanted to commemorate another successful year together by updating their head-shots and team photos. Congratulations to everyone!

If you’re looking for a great financial planner to work with, check them out at They are the nicest people you could ever hope to work with!

Trident Medical Center at the Francis Marion Hotel

Every year for the last I-can’t-remember-how long, I’ve had the honor of photographing this WONDERFUL holiday party for the Trident Medical Center!

Deborah and her team have created such a warm and festive atmosphere for this event. And they’ve fine-tuned every detail to make it a nun night of celebrating the holidays and celebrating the close of another amazing year of healthcare! Of course I would be remiss if I didn’t mention her partners at the Francis Marion Hotel, who always do an AMAZING job. Gillian and Ariana are just incredible people, making sure every detail is attended to.

CONGRATULATIONS to the entire staff at Trident Medical Center for another fantastic year!!!

Prioleau Family at Hampton Park

In my younger days, I played on a tennis team at the Maybank Tennis Center with my good friend Jeff. His wife, Toni, is the tennis pro out there. Their son, Ryan, played on the pro tour for a little while. And their daughter, Kristen, now plays out of Maybank.

It was so great catching up with all of them (minus Ryan who lives in the upstate), during their family Christmas photo session at Hampton Park. This was also our first time meeting Kristen’s wonderful husband, Tony, and their beautiful daughter, Charlotte!

We were blessed with a gorgeous sunny day, and had so much fun capturing these beautiful memories for our friends.  We love you guys!  🙂

High-Key Headshots for Bridge Commercial

A few days ago I had the privilege of meeting Alex. Alex is the newest member of the amazing team of commercial real-estate agents at Bridge Commercial. He moved to Charleston a couple months ago from his home in Florida. He’s excited to be joining one of the most respected firms in Charleston, and start this new chapter in his life!

Setting up in the lobby, I set up a white backdrop and created a high-key look by lighting the fabric with a single Nikon SB-5000 flash. I then created a nice soft main light by firing 2 SB-5000 flashes into a large 60″ Westcott shoot-through umbrella just out of frame on camera left. And I added a little fill light by firing another SB-5000 flash through a second 60″ umbrella just to the right of the camera. All stands and tripods were by Manfrotto. I selected the Nikon D5 and Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VRII to shoot with. The camera was tethered to a Lenovo Yoga laptop for instant previews so that Alex could pick out his favorite.

It was a pleasure meeting and photographing Alex. I look forward to seeing great things from this young man!

Leadership Luncheon at Hotel Bennett

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors over the years! They are such a great group of people…always professional, kind, and fun to work with!!!

Once again, I had the pleasure of photographing their annual Leadership Luncheon. This year was held at a new location…the beautiful Hotel Bennett in downtown Charleston! I’ve photographed other events at this new hotel at the corner of Marion Square. So I knew what a picturesque venue it was. But I was blown away by the gorgeous Christmas decorations!!!

The Leadership Luncheon went perfectly. With great food, a wonderful keynote speaker, and all kind of honors and accolades bestowed on various members, it was a truly a memorable event!