I just about did back-flips in my office when I got this email from Kelli, one of my all-time-favorite brides:
“Hey Chris!! Hope all is well! So… from taking family pictures when I was 12 years old… to engagement… to wedding pictures… and now I want to ask if you wouldn’t mind doing maternity pictures?”
After tons of planning and adjusting, the day of the big photo shoot finally arrived. Kelli & Tom (and little baby Peyton) met up with me at Hampton Park. We had a gorgeous morning with wonderful soft light to work with. It was so much fun catching up with these two as we wandered around the beautiful grounds, capturing gorgeous images to preserve this special time in their lives.
Kelli & Tom have big plans ahead…moving to a new city, opening a new restaurant, and now…starting their new family. We couldn’t be happier for these two. CONGRATULATIONS Kelli & Tom! You guys are going to be the best parents ever!!!
“We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
– Dr. Seuss
I love this quote from one of my all-time favorite writers! I’m not calling Marri & Aldo “wierd”. But they are most definitely, one hundred percent, head-over-heals IN LOVE!!!
Having worked with Marri for many years (she was one of the decision-makers who hired me to photograph my first corporate event with the US Grains Council), it was such an honor when she asked me to photograph her wedding! I’ve come to think of her as not just a colleague, but as a friend…which made being a part of their celebration extra special for me.
Having grown up internationally, I was even MORE thrilled when I found out the man Marri had fallen in love with was Panamanian! Aldo runs his own business in the shipping industry in Panama City, where Marri is now based. I finally got to meet him in February when we photographed their Engagement Session in Casco Viejo, the beautiful old historic part of Panama City. We got to meet his wonderful family there as well. It was truly special to see how happy Marri is when she’s around Aldo!
Fast forward to last weekend when Marri & Aldo’s destination wedding took place at her father’s farm in Marshall, MN. Family and friends came from far and wide! Friends from grade-school, co-workers, and so many of Aldo’s family from Panama that they even hired professional translators, Chris Dimmick and Isabel Rodriguez, to translate the beautiful ceremony!
The family farm was decorated beautifully! In a natural setting surrounded by tall pines, under a rustic arbor on a carpet of lush grass, Marri & Aldo exchanged their vows. Emotions swayed the gamut…solemn words from the heart cascading into bursts of joy and laughter. I was glad I had my cameras to hide behind when tears welled up…and just as glad when they were wiped away by a spontaneous giggle.
I didn’t think anything would top that amazing ceremony! But I was warned that Panamanians KNOW HOW TO PARTY!!! The reception that followed is certainly one that will go down in my mind as the greatest one in my long career! From the amazing toasts (some of which couldn’t even be translated!!!), to the fresh-from-the-farm dinner, to the bottomless ice-cream cart, to the all-night-dance fest, to the bonfire after-party with s’mores…it truly was a night to remember. I finally hitched a ride to the hotel at 2:00am. Easily the longest I’ve ever partied at a reception…THAT is how much fun it was!
Ahora no sentirán ninguna lluvia, porque cada uno será el amparo del otro.
Ahora no tendrán frío, porque cada uno le dará calor al otro.
Ahora no habrá más soledad, porque existirán como compañeros.
Aunque sean son dos individuos, un solo destino los espera.
Vayan ahora a su hogar para continuar su vida juntos.
Y que sus días en esta tierra duren y quesean prósperos.
– Unknown Wedding Blessing
It always blows me away, how quickly children grow!
Photographing the Haddens, starting way back at their engagement session, has been a real joy to me. Photographing their latest addition has been no different. Emma is an adorable, sweet, loving, little girl.
For her 8-month portrait session, Clay and I got to take her out for a fun play date. I even got to hold Emma while Clay was getting a few things out of the car. It was a bit like that movie, Three Men and a Baby…HA! We met at the Old Village Post House in Old Mt. Pleasant, wandering the surrounding neighborhoods for quaint backdrops.
Emma put a smile in my heart and a spring in my step that lasted throughout the day!
Hampton Park is Charleston’s largest public park. It boasts an extensive floral display, giant live-oaks, long tree-lined avenues, a beautiful gazebo, and a wonderful duck pond that’s always teaming with activity. It’s no wonder this is one of my favorite locations for family portrait sessions!
This morning, I met up with the AMAZING Bible Family, who are all down here from Ohio celebrating Roger & Sara’s 50th Anniversary! The last couple days of rain cleared up just in time for us to have a lovely morning with refreshingly cool temperatures. We all had a great photo shoot, and captured some really funny moments. Isn’t that what family is all about?!?
Many thanks to Kim for all her hard work coordinating this crazy crew! And thanks to everyone for making me feel part of the family!!!
“A baby is like the beginning of all things – hope, wonder, a dream of possibilities.” – Eda J. Le Shan
From their engagement shoot to their maternity shoot, it’s been such a joy to be a part of Jeni & Jon’s life moments! Here are a few favorites from their maternity session the other day.
When a little girl gives you FIVE giant hugs at the end of a shoot, you know you’ve done something right! Many thanks to Chris & Vicki for another fun annual family photo shoot. It’s always great to see you guys! And a huge thank you to Sabrina for all the hugs!
Yesterday I had the privilege of photographing Tony’s surprise marriage proposal to his longtime girlfriend, Loryssa, at beautiful Middleton Place Plantation!
Tony and I had been planning this surprise together for months! We had worked out every detail, and thought of every contingency…except the weather. The days leading up to the big event found torrential rains bombarding Charleston. But on the morning in question, the clouds magically drifted out to sea, and the sunshine rained down on a gorgeous spring day!
Arriving at Middleton Plantation extra early, I had time to set up a remote camera with a secondary angle to the one I was shooting from. Then I get hidden in place to wait for their arrival. Tony had done his research, and hit his mark perfectly! It was a picture-perfect moment. Hiding under my camouflage cover, my heart melted, and I may have shed a tear. What a blessing to be able to witness this gesture of true love.
Here’s a little sneak peek of some of my favorite images. You can find the rest in their Online Gallery at: http://chrisandcami.zenfolio.com/loryssaandtony.
I don’t have a musical bone in my body. I have the utmost respect for musicians!
Photographing Matt and the musical genius that hides behind those friendly eyes and that handsome face was a real pleasure for me! I’d photographed him many years ago when Matt was just a budding musician in high-school. He’s made quite a name for himself in the trumpet world. We are so proud of Matt, and so honored to capture these images for him!
Many thanks to our friend Kellie at Kellie McCann Photography for the use of her gorgeous studio.
Last week I had the honor of photographing a high-profile corporate event in Charleston with a wonderful group of amazing people! At the conclusion of the conference was an incredible celebration banquet, held on the flight deck of The USS Yorktown.
Last week I had the honor of photographing a high-profile corporate event in Charleston with a wonderful group of amazing people! The company conference and meetings were held at The Gaillard Auditorium.
Last week I had the honor of photographing a high-profile corporate event in Charleston with a wonderful group of amazing people! Through out the conference, which was held at The Gaillard Auditorium, I continued photographing various executive portraits during breaks.