Headshots for Weeks & Irvine

Becca moved here to attend the Charleston School of Law. She specialized in real-estate law. And has joined the amazing team at Weeks & Irvine! It was a pleasure photographing her headshots this morning.

Not only has Bacca had a great start to her new career, she’s also getting married in 5 weeks! She and her fiance, along with 140 of their favorite friends and family, are heading to Key West to tie the knot. How fun is that? šŸ™‚

Everyone help me congratulate Becca on her new position…and on her upcoming wedding!!!

Headshots for HSB Law

It’s been a while since I’ve worked with Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd PA. This morning I was back at their office photographing new headshots for attorneys that have recently joined the team, as well as updated headshots for several attorneys have have been there a while.

(Nikon D5, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VRII, 4 SB-5000 flashes, Westcott umbrellas, Manfrotto stands, and Lenovo Yoga laptop)

Headshots for Weeks & Irvine Law Firm

I’ve really enjoyed working with Weeks & Irvine Law Firm over the last few years. They are a great group of people who truly go out of their way to help their clients!

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of photographing updated head-shots for the newest members of their growing team.

You would never guess it, but we photographed these in a room they have set aside at their office as a “children’s play room” for when the adults need to talk. Yup, we were surrounded by squeaky toys, bean bags, and choo choo trains!!! šŸ˜‰

Charleston Attorney Photographer, Charleston Corporate Photographer, Charleston Headshot Photographer, Charleston Head-shot Photographer, Charleston Law Firm, Charleston Portrait Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, Mt. Pleasant Attorney Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Corporate Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Headshot Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Head-shot Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Law Firm, Mt. Pleasant Portrait Photographer, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Speedlight, Weeks & Irvine

The Humble Speedlight

I’m often asked what kind of studio lights I use for all the beautiful head-shots and creative corporate work I shoot. Although I own plenty of powerful strobes designed by the legendary Paul C. Buff, the honest answer is that 99% of the time I use the humble Speedlight!

Yes I carry a plethora of them. Yes I often gang up multiples of them on a single light-stand to act as a more powerful flash. But the beauty in using them is their extreme versatility! If I need to band 3 together and shoot in high-speed sync mode to overpower the sun on a beach shoot, it’s not a problem. But if I just need a single unit through a portable softbox to photograph a senior portrait session in a park, that’s just as easy. It’s clean. It’s simple. It’s light. It’s compact. And it works!

To photograph headshots of the new attorneys at Weeks & Irvine Law this morning, I was able to carry everything I needed into their office in a single trip…camera, laptop, light-stands, tripod, background, umbrellas, and 4 little Nikon SB-5000 Speedlights. Within a few minutes their lobby was transformed into a professional portrait studio, where everyone was laughing, having fun, and capturing great head-shots for the firm’s website!Ā  šŸ™‚

Charleston Attorney Photographer, Charleston Corporate Photographer, Charleston Headshot Photographer, Charleston Head-shot Photographer, Charleston Law Firm, Charleston Portrait Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, Mt. Pleasant Attorney Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Corporate Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Headshot Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Head-shot Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Law Firm, Mt. Pleasant Portrait Photographer, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Speedlight, Weeks & Irvine