Lisa & Clay Rock Bowen’s Island

Lizzie & Charlotte are the unwitting masterminds behind “THE PERFECT COUPLE” that is Lisa & Clay!  J  They are the ones that invited Lisa to St. Michael’s when she moved here and introduced them.  When he proposed, Clay planned this huge, fun, elaborate deal.  He got permission to get the key to the bell-tower at the church, took Lisa to the top right at sunset, and proposed up there overlooking all of Charleston!  She was very surprised.  They went out to dinner afterwards and Lisa says he acted like a nut, telling everyone he passed “SHE SAID YES!!!”. Believe it or not, Clay actually picked out her ring on his own.  I love that!  And I LOVE the ring too.  It’s so classy yet unique…just like Lisa.  These two are absolutely perfect for each other and I am so honored that they have asked me to be a part of this special time in their lives. 

Brittainy & Nate Explore Charleston’s Hidden Alleys

Last August I received this wonderful email from a beautiful young lady named Brittainy:

“I am very interested in using you as a photographer.  I know two people that have referred you to me.  I was at the Whitney and Ryan Kalinsky wedding on Seabrook and I know Amy and Seth Zeigler.  They both say you are great and I was very impressed with you at Whitney’s wedding, working all alone yet you were there for every shot!  I did photography in high school and have done some friends weddings myself so photography is a big deal for me on my wedding day!!!”

There is NOTHING that gets an artist more energized than hearing something like this.  Needless to say, I was truly excited when they hired me and was REALLY looking forward to Brittainy & Nate’s Engagement Shoot last week.  I loved the location they picked for their shoot…loved getting to know them, laugh with them, listen to them…and loved how their images came out.  These two have something very special…a connection with each other that is hard to find these days!  I can’t WAIT to be there for them on their wedding day…

Karina’s Getting Married!

Karina & her “entourage” met me over at Boone Hall Plantation earlier this week.  I’m not actually photographing her wedding, but was SO HONORED when she asked if I would do her Bridal Shoot.  Karina is a beautiful, spirit-filled young lady…so full of life and love!  It was a joy just being with her and sharing this special time in her life with her.  I love how elegant she looks, even when she’s leaning on her fiance’s guitar!!!  J

Jennifer & Robert

Jennifer & Robert were a BLAST to work with!  J  They really opened up to me.  And we had a great time together on our “walk-about” downtown.  We came away with some fantastic images that I think capture their personalities to a “T”!

Brittany’s Modeling Portfolio

Brittany & Mitch are two of my favorite clients-turned-friends!  J  I’ve photographed their family, ther wedding, their maternity, their daughter…and now Brittany’s new Modeling Portfolio!  That’s right, this beautiful young lady is a newlywed AND a new Mom, AND she’s decided to go back into modeling!!!  I just think that is so cool.  I can’t wait for her to turn up on the big screen so I can say “I knew Brittany when…” 

Lisa & Justin at The Marina Inn At Grande Dunes

Lisa & Justin had an UNBELIEVABLE wedding last weekend at The Marina Inn At Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach.  Check out the crazy slideshow at  Then head over to to see the rest of their photos!!!  J


Published in Tennis Magazine

Most folks know I’m one of the Official Photographers of the Family Circle Cup.  I’m also an avid tennis player with a USTA 4.5 ranking.  So naturally I subscribe to Tennis Magazine.  Last night I was about half-way through the new April issue…turn the page…and staring at me as a full-page add is one of my favorite shots of Caroline Wozniacki from last year’s cup!!!  With this year’s tournament only a few weeks away, excitement is building.  I think we’re going to have a FANTASTIC event this year!

As last year’s runner up puts it:  “The 2010 Family Circle Cup is my time to shine.  I came close to the title last year and now I’ve got my eye on the prize.”

Action News Magazine Cover

A few months ago at the big annual Professional Photographers of America (PPA) ImagingUSA Conference, I had the honor of having one of my images displayed on a huge banner at the entry to the convention center.  (Check it out at  At the end of the convention, they even gave me the poster!  Here it is on display in our garage…the ONLY place in our house it would even fit!  🙂

Well, a few days ago (on my birthday in fact), the new issue of SEP’s Action News Magazine arrived…featuring that same image on the COVER!!!  J  They also wrote up a really nice article about Chris & Cami Photography with some of my other images from the many professional sporting events we cover throughout the year.  We’re very excited!!!

National Kitchen & Bath Association

I just found out the National Kitchen & Bath Association has featured an image I took (top of first page) for one of my favorite kitchen design clients…Signature Kitchens & Baths…in their 2010 Kitchen & Bath Style Report.

According to the NKBA, “The kitchen & bath are the most essential rooms in your home. You want these spaces to be comfortable and welcoming while reflecting the needs of your lifestyle and personality.”  The Mission of the NKBA is to enhance member success and excellence, promote professionalism and ethical business practices, and provide leadership and direction for the kitchen and bath industry worldwide. 

CONGRATULATIONS to Jim & Linda McLain (owners), Mary Dodge (designer) and the rest of the gang at Signature Kitchens & Baths for their winning entry!!!

Kiawah Island Grandeur

I had another truly FABULOUS shoot for the creative folks at Solaris Inc last week on Kiawah Island.  These beautiful homes they build just blow my mind!  The imported front doors alone probably cost more than my vehicle!!!  J  This one had a rich French flair to it that I particularly enjoyed.


Hyatt Place Grand Opening

Hyatt Place Hotels & Resorts is having the Grand Opening of their 150th company wide location.  And it’s right here in Charleston next week!  I’ve shot for Judy, their new Director of Sales, before when she was with another company.  So it was wonderful of her to remember me and call to ask if I’d continue working with her and photograph their opening ceremony next week!  But before then, they needed a photo of the new hotel to use in promoting the big event.  So I zipped up there last night and got this dramatic image right at dusk.  Sure I got a few funny looks from folks driving by…but standing on the roof of my SUV, parked on the sidewalk, in the drizzly rain, with my tripod and camera, was the only way to get the angle I wanted.  J