Turner Family in Australia

Cami and I have had so much fun hanging out with the Turner Family in Australia!!!

Cami and Kylie became instant life-long friends when they met at a CISV exchange program in their formative years. They stayed in touch, visiting each other whenever they could, even though they lived half-way around the world. Cami came back to stay with Kylie’s family in Australia over Christmas break one year. Kylie came to stay with Cami’s family in Ohio for a semester of high-school another year. And Kylie even came back to the US to be the maid of honor in our wedding!

It’s been some 25 years! But we finally made it to Australia so Cami and Kylie could be reunited, and so I could meet Kylie’s family. 🙂

While we were together, I took the opportunity to photograph some fun family portraits! Kylie’s daughter, Hayley, is an absolutely GORGEOUS young lady, both inside and out. As she said during the family shoot “we know who the REAL talent is in this family”…HA! It was a funny moment, but so very true. Hayley took to the camera like the superstar that she is!

Cami and I had a BLAST in Australia and can’t wait to come back for more!!!

Rebekah at Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

It was a real pleasure photographing Rebekah at the picturesque Magnolia Plantation & Gardens yesterday! She’s a beautiful model with a sweet disposition, a generous heart, and an enthusiastic spirit. We had a BLAST exploring the grounds and creating some wonderful images together! Thanks, Rebekah!!!

Real Estate Agent Head-shots

We are always so honored when clients keep coming back to us again and again!

I got to know Kristin many years ago when I photographed her head-shots for the company she worked for at the time. Today, she’s spreading her wings and striking out on her own as a real-estate agent. Needing new headshots for her website, business cards, and social media channels…I was thrilled when she reached out to us!

Kristin and I met this morning for a fun little photo shoot at Gadsdenboro Park. We had a BLAST and came away with some beautiful shots that capture her fun personality! Here are a few favorites from our session.

If you’re a real-estate agent, entreprenuer, or business leader in need of professional photographs, give us a call!!!

Lawson’s Senior Portraits

Lawson is an incredibly smart, kind, and beautiful young lady! Her easy-going personality and naturally quiet demeanor has a calming effect on everyone around her. And when that infectious smile bursts out, you can’t help but be happy inside! Lawson plays golf on her high-school team, and is hoping to study law when she goes to college.

Yesterday I had a really fun mentoring session with my friends Geno and Tyler. They were kind enough to teach me how to fly their drones. So I returned the favor by sharing some photography tips. Lawson was kind enough to accept the challenge of being our super model for the afternoon as we worked on our techniques. What a brave girl!!! 😉

We started our fun fashion shoot off at Hampton Park…later progressing to Brittlebank Park for the sunset. It was a gorgeous day, and Lawson was absolutely STUNNING!!! It was an honor and a pleasure to capture some creative Senior Portraits for this amazing young lady!

Lindsey’s Senior Portraits

Graduating from high-school is a HUGE accomplishment in a young person’s life.

Commemorating this achievement with a fun photo shoot is a great idea! Not only is this because of the momentous occasion, but also because after high-school things get complicated and “life” gets in the way. Not to mention that you will never be as young and as beautiful as you are at that age…something those of us who are past our prime can attest to!  🙂

The other day I had the distinct privilege of photographing Lindsey’s Senior Portraits. Lindsey was referred to us by our good friend, Amelia, and her family, who all joined in to make the shoot a fun group outing! Her boyfriend joined us as well, which was cool. Everyone helped hold lights, suggest backdrops, and tell jokes to make Lindsey smile…it was a BLAST!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Lindsey! May all your future hopes and dreams come true!!!

Amy & Adam at Middleton Place Plantation & Garden

I’ve known Amazing Amy for several years through the hair salon she manages. She is super fun, full of energy, and loves life to the fullest! Adam is her rock. He comes from a family with a history in law enforcement, and works for the Sheriff’s Department. He’s the strong silent half of Amy & Adam!  🙂

Yesterday we met up at the always-picturesque Middleton Place for their engagement shoot. The soft glow of late afternoon light was absolutely perfect! Playing tourist in our own town, we explored every corner of this amazing Charleston plantation, capturing the love these two share for each other.

We had an absolute BLAST together!  And we even got ourselves a rainbow!  I can’t wait to photograph their awesome wedding celebration this fall!!!

Abby’s Senior Portraits

I can’t even believe that “Little Abby” is all grown up!!!

Last night, in a gorgeous evening, at picturesque Hampton Park, we photographed Abby’s Senior Portraits. It was so much fun catching up with her life, and hearing about her passions for music, animals, and our planet.

CONGRATULATIONS, Abby! You have grown up to be such a kind, loving, talented, thoughtful, and beautiful young lady. I know you make your parents very proud!!!

Taylor’s Modeling Portfolio

Last night our friend Robin brought her beautiful daughter, Taylor, to model for me and a few of my crazy fun photographer friends!

All images were shot with a Nikon D4 and Nikkor 70-200 f2.8. I used a Nikon SB-5000 as a Master flash to trigger 3 SB-800 Remote flashes. Two SB-800 flashes were ganged together as Group A in a 24″ EZY Box as the main light. One bare-bulb SB-800 in Group A was used as a kicker/rim light. All flashes were triggered with the RadioPopper Px system. After sunset, I placed full CTO gels on each flash and switched the cameras White-Balance to tungsten, giving the sky that electric blue tone.

Many thanks to David for the use of his classic Porsche, and to Michelle for hosting the event and finding this incredible location. But most importantly, a huge thank you to Taylor for braving the mosquitoes and looking absolutely FABULOUS!!! 🙂

Kristin’s Senior Portraits

Visiting from Ohio, Kristin’s family thought it would be really cool to have her Senior Portrait Session in a unique and different setting than all her friends back home.

So we scheduled a 3-location shoot for her that included Folly Beach, downtown Charleston, and the Old Sheldon Church ruins. Many thanks to her brother, Andrew, for coming along and providing a lot of good laughs!

CONGRATULATIONS, Kristin! You’re a beautiful, talented young lady…we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!!!

Graham & Clint with the Nikon D500

Graham and Clint are two of the TOP body builders in the entire state! Next weekend they’ll be competing in the IFBB NBC South Carolina Grand Prix. That means they are now in peak form. So I jumped at the chance to photograph them!!!

Even though they’ve been in Charleston a long time, one of their “summer bucket list” items was to finally visit the historic and picturesque Morris Island Inlet on Folly Beach. Since that’s one of my favorite areas to shoot in, we decided to meet there for their photo shoot. The late evening light was gorgeous, we got some KILLER images, and Graham and Clint were able to check one of their bucket-list items off the list!!!

To be the best of the best, Graham & Clint have to push their bodies to extreme limits. I thought, what better way to put the new Nikon D500 to the test, than to use it for this shoot? The snappy 10 fps allowed me to capture micro bursts of peak action. The beautiful 21MP sensor delivered excellent dynamic range. And the lighter weight body made it a lot less tiring to hand-hold.

But what most impressed me was the AF sensor’s ability to focus in extreme back-light situations. For the photos where the sunset is behind Graham and Clint, the subject is completely black and you have to squint really hard into the sun just to see their shadowy outline. Previous to this camera, I would have to take a couple steps to the side and acquire focus with the sun out of the frame…then step back into position to re-compose and shoot. With the D500, it effortlessly locked focused on the shadow-side of their faces without any trouble!

All images were photographed hand-held with the Nikon D500 and Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VRII. Natural light was augmented with 3 Nikon SB-800 flashes on my home-made triple-threat mount, attached to a Manfrotto 3333 light-stand off-camera. The setup was triggered via a Nikon SB-800 master flash on-camera, using a RadioPopper Px transmitter to communicate to the others.

I owe a HUGE Thank You to Graham & Clint for suffering through the humidity and bugs on a muggy Charleston evening! But we had a BLAST, and they were AMAZING to work with!!! You can follow their crazy life at #clintstagraham, where you’re sure to be inspired to better fitness. 🙂

Grace Under Pressure

I’ve been working on a big project for an up-coming publication. We had a few last-minute photos the client needed before wrapping up the shooting. And we knew that the beautiful and “graceful” Grace would be the PERFECT model for it!

It’s hard to believe Grace is still in high school. She has elegance and poise far beyond her years! We had a great time and got exactly the shots we needed on this fun fashion shoot. 🙂

Fashion Model Photo Shoot

A few days ago we wrapped up photography on a project that we’ve been shooting over this past summer. It’s for a super-cool, up-and-coming, yet-to-be-announced publication. Those are the only details I’m allowed to divulge at this time!!!

Many thanks to our clients, Susan and Julie for their vision and talent! Many thanks to Grace, Mary-Catherine, Margaret, Caroline, Brittany, Brenae, and Crystal for all their style and grace in these beautiful outfits! And many thanks to Robbin, Addy, and the many others who helped in so many ways!

I can’t wait to reveal the final details once they are announced!!! 😉