Heather & Rick’s Folly Beach Wedding

What a joy it was to witness the outpouring of love at Heather & Rick’s wedding last weekend!!!

Heather & Rick had originally planned for a big wedding in Virginia with all their family and friends gathered around them. Unfortunately with the pandemic still a threat, they felt it was important to cancel those plans. Instead they decided to get married in an intimate service in front of an adorable beach house they had rented on Folly Beach. 🙂

The weather that morning wasn’t looking good. But minutes after I had arrived, the rain broke and we seized the opportunity at hand. Heather & Rick must be living right, because the skies stayed dry JUST long enough for us to have the ceremony and capture some beautiful beach photos of this amazing couple!

CONGRATULATIONS Heather & Rick! We wish you all the best as you begin your new journey together…

Bride & Groom, Charleston Bride, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Reception Photographer, Charleston Wedding, Charleston Wedding Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D850, Folly Beach Event Photographer, Folly Beach Reception Photographer, Folly Beach Wedding, Folly Beach Wedding Photographer, I Do, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, True Love

Global Ethanol Summit – Washington DC

A few months ago, I had the honor of photographing the Global Ethanol Summit at the Captial Hilton in Washington, DC.

The Summit was an invitation-only meeting for Minister level officials and senior level industry leaders, ethanol producers, and refiners across global ethanol markets. It was an engaging event with, with approximately 350 attendees, about the benefits of creating or expanding ethanol policies with a role for trade. Expanding on previous regiounal events, this year’s Summit builds on current momentum of increased global ethanol trade.

Orchestrated by the US Grains Council (USGC), the event was held over the course of two days, and packed with informative general sessions, leading keynote speakers, networking opportunities, and dedicated trade time. The Global Ethanol Summit was a great opportunity for attendees to hear from thought-leaders on the future of global ethanol use and to build partnerships with industry professionals.

Capital Hilton, Charleston Conference Photographer, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Meeting Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D500, D850, Destination Conference Photographer, Destination Event Photographer, Destination Meeting Photographer, Ethanol Summit, Global Ethanol Summit, I Am Nikon, Infrared, IR, Nikkor, Nikon Coolpix A, Nikon USA, US Grains, US Grains Council, USGC, Washington Conference Photographer, Washington D.C., Washington Event Photographer, Washington Meeting Photographer

Angel & Daniel’s Wedding at King’s Grant

I’ve known Daniel for many years, both in a professional capacity and as a friend. He’s is truly an AMAZING human being…full of conviction, compassion, and caring! I have the utmost respect for him and all that he has accomplished. So when I met his Angel for the first time, I knew right away that she was a very special person too!!!

I was extremely honored when Angel & Daniel asked me to photograph their wedding celebration last weekend. It was a gorgeous spring day! Everything was held at the King’s Grant Clubhouse, which has beautiful natural light inside, and picturesque scenes for great photo opportunities outside. Daniel looked dashing in his custom-made bow-tie…his signature look. And he wore a colorful peacock feather for a boutonniere. Angel was absolutely stunning in her elegant gown and long whispy veil.

Many thanks to all of Angel & Daniel’s friends and family who helped with organizing their special day, and came out to celebrate their love for each other! In particular, thanks to Pastor Mike for the beautiful service, Sharon for the wonderful ceremony music, Michael for the tunes at the reception, Jonte with Just Stuff It for the tasty food, Tammy at Tailor Made Events for the rentals, A Touch of Color Bridal for the makeup artistry, and of course Aly and Zoe with Direct My Day Charleston for making sure everything ran so smoothly!

To see more of their photos, visit: https://chrisandcami.zenfolio.com/angelanddaniel

CONGRATULATIONS to Angel & Daniel!!! We wish you all the best as you begin your marvelous new journey together.   🙂

Bride & Groom, Charleston Bride, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Reception Photographer, Charleston Wedding, Charleston Wedding Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D850, DJI, I Do, Mavic Pro, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Summerville Event Photographer, Summerville Reception Photographer, Summerville Wedding, Summerville Wedding Photographer, True Love

Lucky Shots Tennis Tournament

I’ve been the official photographer of the Volvo Car Open for about 15 years in a row! So it was with great sadness that I received the news that the tournament had been cancelled this year due to the Corona Virus outbreak.

Last weekend I decided to get my “tennis photography fix” by bringing a camera to a local tennis tournament that Cami was playing in. The St. Andrews Tennis Center was hosting their Lucky Shots Tennis Tournament, which they do every year around St. Patrick’s Day. Phil, the athletic director, always does a great job with the tournament. Players come from all over the state to compete. I appreciated him letting me come out and photograph it.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the players for coming out, sharing their enthusiasm, and having an amazing time in spite of the current situation in America!

300mm PF, Athlete, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Sports Photographer, D500, Lucky Shot, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Sport, St. Andrews Tennis Center, Tennis, Tennis Tournament, USTA, Volvo Car Open, Tennis, Athlete, Sports, USTA, Tournament, Champion, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Aerial Photographer, DJI, Mavic Pro

Sommer & Frank at Greek Orthodox Church of The Holy Trinity

It’s hard to put into words how special it was for us to be a part of Sommer & Frank’s AMAZING wedding celebration at the Greek Orthodox Church of The Holy Trinity!!!  Several years ago, we had the honor of photographing Sommer’s sister’s wedding with Trent at Old Wide Awake Plantation.  Their entire family has become very special to us over the years.  So you can imagine our excitement when Sommer and Frank asked us to photograph their wedding too!

With Sommer working in Japan for much of it, the planning and preparations for their wedding took over a year.  But the Big Day finally arrived…and it was gorgeous!  As the wedding party began getting ready, the excitement in the air was palpable.  I loved all the little details and special moments that made Frank & Sommer’s wedding unique…a first look with her dad, special gifts for the flower girl and ring bearer, the sword ceremony, and a huge wedding party that was so fun and supportive of these two!  The Greek Orthodox ceremony was also unique and afforded so many wonderful photo opportunities.  It’s such a beautiful church anyway…but it’s hard to get a bad shot with such an adorable couple, right?!?  Being a Citadel Grad, the wedding was followed by a traditional sword ceremony, performed by a great group of cadets.  Then it was off to the reception, which was held at the Daniel Island Club.  I love the beautiful “lowcountry” scenery behind the club.  Frank, Sommer, and I took advantage of the setting (and the setting sun) to capture some romantic photos of them.  Then it was inside for the PARTAAAY of the century!  Sommer had warned me to make sure I brought my “Greek dancing shoes”…and she wasn’t kidding!  A grand entrance, a delicious meal, touching toasts, and of course non-stop dancing all night long topped the day off in high spirits!

To see the rest of the photos, visit:  https://chrisandcami.zenfolio.com/sommerandfrankwedding.  Many thanks to my team, Cami & Robbin, to Lillie at Pop the Bubbly Events, to Cleo at the Greek Orthodox Church, to Erin at Daniel Island Club, to the ladies from Cloud IX Bridal, to Wimberly Fair Designs for the floral arrangements, to The Black Cab Co., to Nick with EPIC DJ, and to all the other friends, family, and vendors who helped make this dream wedding come true!

CONGRATULATIONS Frank & Sommer!  We wish you all the happiness in the world as you begin this exciting new journey together!!!

Charleston Bride, Charleston Engagement Photographer, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Love, Charleston Reception Photographer, Charleston Wedding, Charleston Wedding Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D500, D850, Daniel Island Club, Destination Event Photographer, Destination Wedding Photographer, Greek Orthodox Church, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Pop the Bubbly Events, Cloud IX Bridal, The Black Cap, Epic DJ

PGA Media Day

I had the pleasure of photographing the PGA Championships on Kiawah Island back in 2012…before they ejected me for being where I shouldn’t. Some photographers are so annoying, always trying to be creative and trying to capture something unique. Why can’t they all just shoot the same boring images, from the same exact location as the other 50 photographers out there?!? 😉 Luckily, all is forgiven.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of being the official photographer for the 2021 PGA Championships Media Day at The Sanctuary on Kiawah Island. Julius Mason, Senior Director of Public Awareness for the PGA, hosted the press conference. Special guests included former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, Director of the PGA Championship, Scott Reid, President of Kiawah Island Golf Resort, Roger Warren, and Charleston Mayor, John Tecklenburg.

After an excellent presentation, panel discussion, and Q&A session, everyone was invited to a wonderful networking luncheon. With gloved hands and hightened security, the Wannamaker Trophy was placed on a beautiful wooden table just outside the lunch area where I had set up a photo station. It was a lot of fun photographing participants and seeing the excitement in their eyes as the pose with this historic hardware!

I’m looking forward to seeing some awesome golf in 20201!!!

Charleston Conference Photographer, Charleston Corporate Photographer, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Meeting Photographer, Charleston Press Conference, Charleston Press Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D850, Kiawah Conference Photographer, Kiawah Event Photographer, Kiawah Island, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Obviouslee Marketing, Ocean Course, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, PGA, PGA Championships, PGA Media Day, PGA Press Conference, Press Conference, Professional Golf Association, SB-5000, The Sanctuary

VCO Media Day

It’s been 20 years since the Volvo Car Open chose Charleston as its new home!!! It’s hard to believe I’ve been the tournament’s official photographer for about 3/4 of that time. What an honor it was to see many of my photos of past champions on display!

To celebrate this milestone, the VCO hosted a Media Day at the beautiful Dewberry Hotel rooftop. Last year’s champion, Madison Keys, was a special guest…as were Mayor Tecklenburg, Tournament Director Bob Moran, Tournament Manager Eleanor Adams, Stephanie Mangini of Volvo Car USA, Helen Hill from the Charleston Visitors Bureau, and Richard Todd who is “The Voice” of the tournament. The event was hosted by America’s sweetheart, former #1 tennis player, Tracy Austin.

After the press conference, tennis demonstration, and networking luncheon, Madison and Tracy got a private tour of the new Meeting Street Academy, where Maddy shared about her new Kindness Wins initiative.

“Madison Keys has a passion for kindness. The 25-year-old American tennis star has made that passion into a mission, launching her new Kindness Wins initiative, a chance for Keys to embrace positivity and provide a platform to spread encouragement both within and outside the world of sports.”

It was a real pleasure being selected to photograph the VCO Media Day! Happy 20th Anniversary to the Volvo Car Open!!!

Charleston Corporate Photographer, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Meeting Photographer, Charleston Sports Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, D850, Family Circle Cup, Madison Keys, Media Day, Meeting Street Academy, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Obviouslee Marketing, Press Conference, Professional Tennis, SB-5000, Tennis, The Dewberry, Tracy Austin, VCO, Volvo, Volvo Car Open, Women’s Tennis Association, WTA

HCSF Mardi Gras Gala

I had so much fun photographing the HCSF Mardi Gras Gala at Laurel Ridge Country Club in Maggie Valley this weekend! The event has been going on for many years. It’s a fundraiser for several local schools, which is awesome. My cousin, Beth at Beth Brown Photography normally photographs it. But she couldn’t be there this year and asked me to take over. What a BLAST!!!

Beth Brown Photography, Charleston Event Photographer, Charleston Gala Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D5, Destination Event Photographer, Destination Gala Photographer, Fundraiser, Mardi Gras, Nikkor, Nikon, OCF, Off-Camera Flash, SB-5000, Waynesville, Waynesville Event Photographer, Waynesville Gala Photographer

USGC 17th Internationall Marketing Conference – Day 3

Last week I had the pleasure of Photographing the US Grains Council’s 17th International Marketing Conference at the Hilton Downtown Tampa, Florida. It also happened to be the Council’s 60th Annual Membership Meeting, which made it extra special!

In keeping with Chairman Darren Armstrong’s theme of “Make Something Happen”, members had opportunities to visit directly with the Council’s staff from around the globe, build relationships with them, and deepen their understanding of the critical efforts they undertake for the US grains industry. In addition, Advisory Teams held in-depth meetings, offering the chance to provide recommendations to develop markets, enable trade and improve lives. Plus of course there was an incredible lineup of fantastic speakers, experts, and panels during the general session.

After three long but fulfilling days together, everyone left the meeting with a renewed dedication to the work at hand of promoting coarse grains and ethanol exports for US farmers. And I left with a sense of accomplishment at having faced the many challenges of dark conference rooms and grueling 12-hour days loaded down with camera gear, to come away with a collection of images that truly captured the spirit of the event!

Here are a few favorites from Day 3…

USGC 17th Internationall Marketing Conference – Day 2

Last week I had the pleasure of Photographing the US Grains Council’s 17th International Marketing Conference at the Hilton Downtown Tampa, Florida. It also happened to be the Council’s 60th Annual Membership Meeting, which made it extra special!

In keeping with Chairman Darren Armstrong’s theme of “Make Something Happen”, members had opportunities to visit directly with the Council’s staff from around the globe, build relationships with them, and deepen their understanding of the critical efforts they undertake for the US grains industry. In addition, Advisory Teams held in-depth meetings, offering the chance to provide recommendations to develop markets, enable trade and improve lives. Plus of course there was an incredible lineup of fantastic speakers, experts, and panels during the general session.

After three long but fulfilling days together, everyone left the meeting with a renewed dedication to the work at hand of promoting coarse grains and ethanol exports for US farmers. And I left with a sense of accomplishment at having faced the many challenges of dark conference rooms and grueling 12-hour days loaded down with camera gear, to come away with a collection of images that truly captured the spirit of the event!

Here are a few favorites from Day 2…

USGC 17th Internationall Marketing Conference – Day 1

Last week I had the pleasure of Photographing the US Grains Council’s 17th International Marketing Conference at the Hilton Downtown Tampa, Florida. It also happened to be the Council’s 60th Annual Membership Meeting, which made it extra special!

In keeping with Chairman Darren Armstrong’s theme of “Make Something Happen”, members had opportunities to visit directly with the Council’s staff from around the globe, build relationships with them, and deepen their understanding of the critical efforts they undertake for the US grains industry. In addition, Advisory Teams held in-depth meetings, offering the chance to provide recommendations to develop markets, enable trade and improve lives. Plus of course there was an incredible lineup of fantastic speakers, experts, and panels during the general session.

After three long but fulfilling days together, everyone left the meeting with a renewed dedication to the work at hand of promoting coarse grains and ethanol exports for US farmers. And I left with a sense of accomplishment at having faced the many challenges of dark conference rooms and grueling 12-hour days loaded down with camera gear, to come away with a collection of images that truly captured the spirit of the event!

Here are a few favorites from Day 1…

Kristina & Rob at White Point Gardens

Kristina & Rob are the sweetest couple you could ever hope to meet!
This past weekend their wedding day finally arrived. Kristina and Rob had planned a beautiful intimate celebration, which they called the “Our Family Will Be There Elopement”. 🙂
The ceremony was held at the historic bandstand, also know as The Gazebo, in picturesque White Point Garden down by The Battery. It was a chilly day. But everyone’s energy and love warmed the park, leaving no room for the cold to enter in. Kristina was absolutely BEAUTIFUL in her elegant gown, complete with her mother’s wedding veil. After the ceremony, we had a great time photographing family portraits with all their guests. Then Kristina, Rob, and I took a stroll through the park, along The Battery, and up old historic Church Street towards the reception.
The reception was a delightful private dinner at 82 Queen. Tucked away in an upstairs room, the beautiful couple enjoyed a warm reception, a touching toast, delicious food, and lively conversations surrounded by their supportive family and friends.
CONGRATULATIONS Kristina & Rob!!! We wish you all the best as you begin your new journey together as husband and wife…