Headshots for Seamon Whiteside

I love working with the awesome team at Seamon Whiteside!

We’ve gone through a variety of different “looks” for their company headshots over the years. But I really like the casual environmental style portraits they’ve been requesting for their most recent branding. They are a great team and everyone is always so fun and friendly to work with!

Many thanks to Lia and Anne for coordinating everything. 🙂

Headshots for the Wasden Banias Imigration Litigation Team

It was a pleasure to photograph the Wasden Banias Imigration Litigation team last week!

“Today’s world requires new strategies to overcome visa delays and denials. Whether it be a visa for your spouse, employee, or the PERM process, an attorney with experience in federal court litigation is necessary to gain certainty in your unique immigration process. Wasden Banias is an administrative law litigation firm, designed to guide you through the litigation or petition process.”

We met at Hampton Park on a beautiful unseasonably warm winter day. It was so much fun meeting everyone and capturing these fresh new images for their markating team. Many thanks to Carolina for organizing everything!!!

Headshots for State Farm

We had another fun photo session with the Kevin Sevier State Farm agency in Bluffton this week! We’ve known Kevin for a long time and have appreciated his support over the years. He’s got a fantastic team working for him. And we ALWAYS have a blast hanging out with them, photographing their headshots, and capturing their team photos!!!

WP Chrysler Club Conference

It was great to be back at Belmond Charleston Place this week, photographing the WP Chrysler Club sales meeting.

The program started off with a welcome reception for all the sales leaders and their significant others. My friend Gary and I partnered up to provide couples portraits, which Gary printed and delivered on-site for the guests to take home as a memento of the evening. We also photographed head-shots for the various dealership owners. Then everyone enjoyed a beautiful cocktail hour, followed by a fabulous dinner!

The next morning I photographed the business meeting, including all the networking opportunities, the keynote speakers, and of course the award presentations to the top sales leaders.  CONGRATULATIONS to Chris & Joel for their achievements!

At the end of the day, everyone gathered for a big group photo on the famous Grand Staircase. That was the last “official” duty before everyone dispersed to partake in their various free-time activities, including golf, shopping, carriage tours, etc.  As soon as I snapped the last frame, everyone scattered like school kids on the last day of class before summer break!  😉

I’ve been slowly incorporating the new Nikon Z system into some of my shooting. Although most of these images were photographed with my trusty Nikon D5, many were captured with the Z6II, which I’m very impressed with. However, there are still a few things that have left me wondering “why did they do that?!?”. The jury is still out as to whether I will fully switch over to mirrorless.  But so far it’s been fun to play with.  So stay tuned…

Headshots for First Citizens Bank

Yesterday morning it was time for another round of headshots for First Citizens Bank!

I’ve enjoyed working with the amazing team at First Citizens Bank for many years. They are always so much fun to work with!!! Several times a year I setup our portable head-shot studio at one of their offices to photograph updated portraits for those who want it, as well as to catch all the new members who have joined the team!

Nikon D5, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8, Sony XQD cards, Lenovo Yoga laptop, Manfrotto supports, Flashpoint speedlights, Westcott umbrellas, and Savage background.

Environmental Portraits for McMillan Pazden Smith Architecture

McMillan Pazden Smith has been struggling to get good environmental headshots of their team in Charleston. They’ve gone through two rounds with other photographers and just haven’t been happy with them.

Part of the reason is because they want a clean, bright, environmental style that reflects the “look” of their Charlotte office. While the Charlotte office has lots of bright colors, glass, and more modern architecture…the Charleston office is in an old historic building with lots of red brick and dark wood. But I made a site-visit to discuss their goals. And I accepted the challenge!

Arriving on location the day of the shoot, I re-arranged the lobby area to gain access to an acute angle that would give me the background I wanted. I overexposed the window a little bit to give the images a high-key style. I lit the inside walls of the conference room with two Flashpoint speedlights bouncing off the ceiling. I placed a white orchid from the lobby area into the corner for a bit of texture. I positioned the team members outside the conference room to catch a bit of the glass, and to separate them from the background. The portraits were lit with 4 more Flashpoint speedlights, using two Westcott shoot-through umbrellas. Everything was photographed with a Nikon D5 and a Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 set to ISO 400, f4, and 1/250 sec. I shot tethered to a Lenovo Yoga laptop so individuals could instantly look through their photos, make sure they were happy with their shots, and pick out their favorites right there on the spot.

We had a fantastic morning and everyone was super happy with how it all turned out! Many thanks to Kathryn and Carol for all their hard work setting this up and working with everyone’s schedules.

New CEO at South Carolina Community Loan Fund

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of photographing Nate, the new CEO at the South Carolina Community Loan Fund!
I met up with him outside their new office in Columbia. He is such a kind and gracious human being…full of fascinating stories from all of his world travels. I particularly loved his tales of climbing Huayna Picchu, the steep mountain peak overlooking Machu Picchu.
We had a great time and captured a variety of images for their newsletter.
Nikon D5, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8, Manfrotto tripod and light-stand, SB5000 off-camera speedlight, Godox softbox, Sony XQD card, ISO 400, f4, 1/160 sec.

Elanco Livestock Legend at Middleton Place

Earlier this week I had the priviledge of photographing the Elanco Livestock Legend event at Middleton Plantation.

It was a beautiful fall evening with clear skies and perfect temperatures. As soon as the group arrived, I was able to photograph candid portraits of the award winners with their spouses. Then with drinks in hand, they strolled the grounds with personal guides telling about the history of this amazing plantation. Arriving at the Stableyards just after sunset, a casual cocktail hour included more interesting history told by blacksmiths and potters. Then it was off to The Pavilion for good food, lively conversation, and dancing. Plus of course the various regions got to have their group photos made!

It was a lovely evening celebrating the company’s accomplishments. Many thanks to Missy at Absolutely Charleston, and Samantha at Middleton Place for making it such a successful event!

The Magic of a Retouching Artist

Some of our clients, like Caldwell Commercial, use our talented retouching artists to keep their headshots and team photos updated!
As a company grows and expands, some employees move on, and new ones join the team. When this happens, most companies have me come out to photograph new headshots and re-do the team photo. However, deciding on a location, and gathering everyone back together periodically can be difficult with their hectic schedules. Bob Caldwell was a talented photographer in his day. So we worked together to come up with a “digital” backdrop that he liked for his company’s headshots as well as their group shot!
When a new member (or an adorable new mascot) joins the team, I come out and photograph them against clean wall in their office, send the images off to our our trusted and talented Retouching Lab, the artists do their magic, and PRESTO…we have a new headshot that matches everyone else, and a new team photo with the right faces in it! 🙂
Please help me welcome Aleah and Cooper to a fantastic team!!!

New Headshot at Weeks & Irvine Law

Katie is the newest member Weeks & Irvine. She’s from our sister city of Savannah, and has joined a wonderful team of attorneys here in Charleston! I had the pleasure of photographing her this morning at their Mt. Pleasant office. We had a BLAST!!! 🙂

Palmetto Community Care Headshots

I always love working with the fun, friendly, and beautiful team at Palmetto Community Care!
Like many businesses in America, Covid-19 had a substantial impact on the organization. Many employees had to start working from home. Much of the operation had to be restructured. As has happened a lot these days, some staff have moved on, opening opportunities for new team members to come on board. So we scheduled a fun photo-day to update everyone’s head-shots!
Many thanks to Brad, Kim, and Richard for all their hard work organizing everyone’s schedules. It was great to catch up with old friends…and meet so many new ones!

Sheally Insurance

Sheally Insurance is going through a whole new re-branding and re-marketing phase. I was truly honored that they selected me to be their photographer during this process. We had so much fun this morning capturing a variety of different images, as well as some updated headshots for several new staff members!