Being a part of some of the most special moments in a family’s life always makes me feel so humbled and so blessed!!!
This weekend I had the honor of photographing Tommy’s surprise wedding proposal to his beautiful girlfriend, Riley! He had made special arrangements for cocktails and dinner in The Atlantic Room at The Ocean Course on Kiawah Island. After Riley got settled and had a drink in hand, Tommy excused himself for a minute. He had stashed a gorgeous bouquet of flowers with a note inside. Returning with the bouquet, he have Riley a kiss and told her to read the note, which instructed her to meet him outside by the famous Rolex clock-tower in 5 minutes.
Tommy had picked the iconic clock-tower as the backdrop for this special moment. For many golfers, a photograph with the famous clock tower is a “bucket-list” item. It’s one of the most photographed landmarks on Kiawah Island! Who can forget that iconic 1991 Ryder Cup battle when The United States team won the competition by 14½ to 13½ points, with a last-minute clincher on the 18th hole of the final match?!? With the nation glued to their televisions, it was the first win for the U.S. since 1983!!!
But more importantly to Tommy, it would serve as a reminder for Riley of the exact minute when he took to his knee and asked her to be his wife.
After Riley said “YES”, Tommy had another surprise for her. Turning around, she saw her parents and his parents coming around the corner to congratulate them. Running over to exchange hugs with everyone, the excitement and energy of the moment was truly palpable!
I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day for Tommy & Riley. It was an absolutely gorgeous summer evening. But the icing on the cake came when I was driving home and saw the amazing Neowise Comet descending on the horizon!!! Major comets, like Haley’s Comet in 1986, don’t come around but once every 25-40 years. This particular one has such a huge trajectory that it won’t be back in earth’s atmosphere for some 6,800 years!
CONGRATULATIONS to Riley & Tommy! How special is that to know your engagement took place during a celestial show that won’t happen again for thousands of years?!? We wish you all the best as you begin your own journey around the earth together.

Charleston Aerial Photographer, Charleston Couples Photographer, Charleston Drone Photographer, Charleston Engagement Photographer, Charleston Portrait Photographer, Charleston Proposal Photographer, Charleston Secret Proposal Photographer, Charleston Surprise Proposal Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, D500, D850, DJI, Kiawah Aerial Photographer, Kiawah Drone Photographer, Kiawah Engagement Photographer, Kiawah Island, Kiawah Portrait Photographer, Kiawah Proposal Photographer, Kiawah Secret Proposal, Kiawah Surprise Proposal, Mavic Pro, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Off-Camera Flash, Ryder Cup Bar, SB-5000, She Said Yes, Speedlight, The Atlantic Room, The Ocean Course, Neowise Comet