Kiawah Island Living

Last month I had an AMAZING shoot for Solaris Inc.  They are the leading builder of custom luxury homes on Kiawah Island!!!  One of the things I love most about being a photographer is the diversity of my day-to-day existence.  One day I might be photographing a famous lawyer, the next I’m photographing a beautiful baby.  One day I might be covering the Family Circle Cup, the next I’m covering a wedding.  Each set of circumstances is unique and interesting in its own way.  And each presents a different set of challenges.  But the best part is, every single problem-solving skill I learn on one assignment can be carried over and applied to another!  I love it!!!

Shelia’s Designs

I’ve photographed for Sheila Thompson before…check out my portrait of the artist at work.  She is such a creative spirit and the biggest sweetheart on the planet!  I had the privilege of shooting some more of her new designs for their catalog.  But photographing beautiful garden decorations among bright flowers on sunny “spring” days in the middle of winter is kind of tough!  J  So we contacted Magnolia Gardens and were pleased to be able to do our shoot in their Conservatory.  Using Nikon’s amazing Creative Lighting System, controlled via RadioPoppers, I was able to simulate early morning sunlight streaming through the foliage.  So inspite of being in a dim Arboretum on an overcast day, the images came out great!

Acclaimed Guitarist Nikolai Svishev

Check out this “Canon in D Duo” video by acclaimed guitarist Nikolai Svishev.  He’s an amazing artist and always a pleasure to work with.  I’m honored that he chose some of my wedding images to display throughout the video!

The Banners are Up!

Driving across Daniel Island on my way to my tennis match in Mt. Pleasant today, I saw that the new Family Circle Cup Banners were finally up!  As the Official Photographer of this awesome tennis tournament, I always get a kick out of seeing my images draping the 4-story tall center stadium.  J  Besides last year’s Champion, Sabine Lisicki, there’s the 2008 Champion, Serena Williams, and the 2007 Champion, Jelena Jankovic.  Plus dozens of street banners are hanging from the lamp posts, depicting champions from all along the history of this long-running WTA Tour event.  This one is of Justine Henin, one of my favorite players…I’m thrilled to see her back out of retirement!

Ashley & Sherrod at The Wentworth Mansion

I always LOVE working at The Wentworth Mansion!  The cupola is so cool, the history is so rich, and the people there are always so nice.  So when Ashley & Sherrod told me that’s where he proposed and that’s where they wanted to do their Engagement Session, I was STOKED!!!  We had a blast and got a ton of fun images.  Here are a few of my favorite.  You can see the rest at


Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

My good friend and fellow photographer, Liz Duren, asked me to come and speak to her daughter’s 5th grade class about my experience growing up in Africa.  I love that show “Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?”…which I surely am NOT!!!  So I was a little nervous.  J  But Daphne was so sweet and gave me a big fun hug when I arrived at James B. Edwards Elementary School.  I felt better after that!  Daphne introduced me to everyone to put me at ease.  The kids really seemed interested and had LOTS of questions.  I had a BLAST!  In between giggles I taught them a couple words in Kituba.  Plus they got a kick out of my authentic chief’s sword.  Here’s a few pics Liz took for me… 


NEW Family Circle Cup Banner Announced

Only two more months until the Family Circle Cup!  As most of you know, I’ve been one of the Official Photographers of this amazing Professional Women’s Tennis event for many years now.  Each year, the best photo of the returning champion is selected for display on a 47-foot x 40-foot banner that hangs from the top of the stadium.  It’s been an honor to have had one of my images selected for the last few years in a row.  And this year…drum roll please…WE DID IT AGAIN!!!!  🙂   Mike Saia, the Communications Director at the FCC just emailed me a few minutes ago with the news and the final image they’ll be using.  I’m SO EXCITED!!!

On top of all the great women’s tennis action, this is also the Ten Year Anniversary of the FCC being located here in Charleston.  One of the longest running tournaments in WTA history, its former home was on Hilton Head Island.  To celebrate the milestone year, there will be guest apprearances from the likes of John McEnroe, Andy Roddick, and Anna Kournikova, plus many other special events and attractions.  So come on out…and make sure you say “Hi” to me while you’re there…04 Sabine Lisicki (Final)A

Extraordinary Makeup Artist

Every now and then I get the chance to work with someone truly gifted in their talent.  Pamela Lesch of is just such a person.  Most recently I had the privilege of working with her at my Wireless Lighting Workshop.  She did an amazing job giving our model, Brittany McDougal, that special “look”.  THEN, she was kind enough to feature us on her very popular Blog.  Check it out:  If you need an extraordinary Makeup Artist, I highly recommend Pamela!!!100125-0058

Brand New Blog

Welcome to our cooler, better, bigger, BRAND NEW BLOG!  I’ve been photo-blogging for years.  I love passing on information, sharing my passion, and highlighting favorite images I’ve created throughout this journey called LIFE.  But we sort of outgrew the limitations of our old blogging system along the way.  Here then, is our totally customized new blog!  Danella, a wonderfully gifted designer and photographer, built it for us…to be totally and uniquely “US”.  Bookmark it.  Visit often.  We hope you enjoy this new window into our world as we continue along this journey with you!

Wireless Lighting Workshop

My good friend and fellow photographer, Matt Daniel, shared these scenes from the Wireless Lighting Workshop earlier this week. Yes, the nice policeman really did ask us to move the vintage limo off the historic brick street. J


