If you don’t have an AMAZING eye-doctor already, I highly recommend Dr. Lori at Belle Hall Eye Care! That’s who I choose to take care of my eyes and she’s fantastic.
A few days ago I had the privilege of photographing Porch Portraits or “Porchaits” for her and her amazing daughter. We had so much fun, capturing photos of Ellie playing with their chickens, horses, cats and dogs. Using telephoto lenses, I was able to shoot all these from over 6 feet away while keeping my social-distancing and helping to flatten the curve.
Dr. Lori and Ellie are such beautiful young ladies, both inside and out. It was such an honor preserving these memories for them!!!
Charleston Children Photographer, Charleston Family Photographer, Charleston Pet Photographer, Charleston Portrait Photographer, Chris & Cami Photography, Corona-virus, COVID-19, D5, Flatten the Curve, Mt. Pleasant Children Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Family Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Pet Photographer, Mt. Pleasant Portrait Photographer, Nikkor, Nikon, Nikon Pro, Nikon USA, Porch Portrait, Porchait, Social Distancing