Between sets us photographers have to entertain ourselves. Here’s a fun one of me with Leslie Billman, shooting for Wire Image, and Alice Keeney, shooting for the Associated Press. Leslie is a pretty good player herself. She and I paired up to win the annual Family Circle Cup Media Tournament two years ago, a friendly competition between all the writers, photographers, TV crews, and other media personnel. Alice must have been having a bad hair day…trying to hide behind that hood and her cell phone.
Family Circle Cup Day 5
Photographing the Family Circle Cup
Family Circle Cup Day 4
Julius “Dr. J” Erving
Dr. J, the legendary NBA basketball star, was in town to watch his daughter, Alexandra Stevenson. He got in a little golf the morning before her match and I was invited to tag along for a few shots. Born out of wedlock to freelance writer Samantha Stevenson in 1980, Alexandra only recently re-connected with her father.
Family Circle Cup Day 3

Patty Schnyder goes airborn during her powerful serves as she’s outlined by the long shadows of her late afternoon and tough three-set match.
Pure luck gets me a glimpse of Patty’s eye through the throat of her racket.
Elena Vesnina sprints for a drop-shot.
Fans relax on the Grand Lawn of the Family Circle Cup campus.
Family Circle Cup Media Center
Here’s me goofing off in the Media tent. Grace from the Post & Courier was playing with my Nikons (they use Canon at the paper) and snuck this shot off. This is where I frantically ingest CF cards and edit images for the FCC and WTA. That’s my friend Douglas on the other side of me, Mike Saia (Communications Manager of the FCC) standing behind us, and Mic Smith (of the Associated Press) in the white hat.
Family Circle Cup Day 2
Family Circle Cup Day 1
Patti Schnyder is always a crowd favorite here in Charleston and is always ready with a friendly smile.
Venus Williams had some fun at this press conference.

Bethanie Matteck-Sands at the Riverdogs
There was a lot of great action during today’s final Qualifying rounds for the Family Circle Cup. But the highlight of my day was being the exclusive photographer covering Bethanie Matteck-Sands as she warmed up with the Charleston Riverdogs and threw out the first pitch for tonight’s game. Bethanie was married in November…I’m bummed she didn’t call me to be her photographer…HA! She’s the third highest ranked American in the tournament, behind Serena & Venus Williams. So come on out and cheer her on!
My two favorite shots are the “Captain America” pose on the pitcher’s mound and the “Reflections” shot of her in the sunglasses worn my the Channel 4’s news reporter.