The Alamo at Dusk

OK, OK…I got a few requests for a shot of The Alamo. I guess when you tell someone you visited “San Antonio”, that’s what everyone thinks of. šŸ™‚ Anyway, here’s my interpretation of “The Alamo at Dusk”. It’s actually pretty cool inside. They have old muskets that Crockett used and some knives made famous by Bowie. If you ever get a chance, make sure and visit! VERY COOL!!!

Pumped Up

Now that I’m back in Charleston, I have to say I had an INCREDIBLE time at the Imaging USA Conference in San Antonio. I got to hang out with this guy – Joe Buissink – probably the most creative American wedding photographer of our time! His list of wedding clients is like the who’s who of Hollywood. I also enjoyed lunches with some of the cutting-edge guys like David Jay, Kevin Swan, and Nathan Holritz who are pushing the outside of the envelope and setting the trends of today’s photographic styles. All I can say is I’m PUMPED UP and just can’t WAIT to see what 2007 has in store…

Friends in Foreign Places

This week I’ve been in San Antonio, TX for the Imaging USA photography convention I attend every year. It’s always great to be inspired by all the speakers, share ideas and techniques with other photographers, and learn about new products from all the vendors. I went with my friend and fellow photographer, Robin Knight. In spite of the freezing ice-storm that blew into town, we decided to go do a little sight-seeing and take a few photos. (How odd…photographers playing “tourist” while attending a photo convention…hmmm?!?) Anyway, we were practically the only people visiting the San Juan Mission this afternoon since the weather was so ugly. When suddenly this lonely dog came up to greet us. Being a sucker for beautiful dogs, I had to pet this young lady, who happened to be VERY pregnant. I immediately realized she was STARVED for attention! As she followed me around while I photographed this historic mission, I talked to her and petted her. When Robin & I were done, she followed us over to wait for the bus with me. I missed our dog, Henry. And she needed some TLC. So we kept each other company until our ride came. It’s always nice to make friends in foreign places!

My Best Friend

Katie & Steven tied the knot yesterday in a BEAUTIFUL evening service at Christ Episcopal Church. While hanging out with Katie and her gorgeous bridesmaids before the service (I know I have SUCH a ROUGH JOB), I was truly taken by a comment she made. “I’m marrying my BEST FRIEND!”. Doesn’t that just melt your heart?!? I’m sure that as family and friends, we couldn’t ask for anything more for these two. Those who were in attendance may not have heard that private conversation. But they certainly witnessed the outward display of their love for each other in that looooong kiss at the alter! šŸ™‚ Anyway, I was truly blessed to be a part of their Big Day. Here’s one of my favorite images as they admire her ring…made of precious metal in a circle that never ends. Katie & Steven, may your lives together be full of precious moments that never end!

Magic Hour

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE time of day to photograph is during what’s known as “Magic Hour”. This is the last hour of daylight before sunset. The quality of light at this time is soft and beautiful – which is PERFECT for portraits. But this is also a transition time. The sun is setting, the moon is rising, the winds are dying, the seagulls are settling in for the night. And if you’re lucky, on the very edge of this transition, something MAGIC will happen! The sky might burst into color, the clouds might roll into an imposing presence, the moon might rise over the ocean, and the lighthouse in the background might flash into life. šŸ™‚ Here’s a Magic Hour image from Russ & Maggie’s family session. I had a wonderful time getting to know them and their two beautiful daughters. We got a ton of great shots, but this remains one of my favorites!

Healthy Living

Happy New Year! I actually photographed this cover for the Charleston Regional Business Journal in the fall of 2006. (That’s Holly Fisher’s husband with one of their beautiful labs. Holly is one of the many wonderful people I have the privilege of working with at the CRBJ.) But 2007 is here and I went to see my doctor yesterday for my yearly checkup. So I thought I’d post a few thoughts on the subject. The doc was very pleased with my health and fitness. In fact, he half-joked that I have an overly active immune system. šŸ™‚ (I think he wishes I would get sick more often so he could actually make some money off me – HA!) Unfortunately, good health and fitness aren’t free. Over the last few years, Cami has inspired me to get back into better shape. I now spend an average of an hour a day, six days a week at the gym. And I balance that with a nutritious diet that includes fresh greens, fruit, nuts, fish, vegetables, etc. This may sound like a lot of work. But actually, it’s just become part of my lifestyle…and I feel GREAT because of it. I understand that this is the only body God has given me. If I don’t maintain it, I won’t be able to participate in many of the activities that Cami and I enjoy together…hiking, camping, traveling, tennis, etc. But more importantly, I would drastically limit the one thing I am most passionate about in life…my photography! Think about this for a minute. The exotic gear I use is pretty heavy. So if I couldn’t carry it all, I would severely limit the number of tools in my arsenal. Besides this, often the best angles for a shot come from kneeling, laying flat out on the ground, standing on a chair or precariously balancing on a ledge. And finally, to capture those fleeting moments, I have to be able to move quickly. Imagine trying to sprint up a long set of stairs carrying 40lbs of camera gear to get ahead of a bride & groom as they enter the reception hall! Anyway, as the new year begins, I am re-dedicating myself to a healthy lifestyle. BEST WISHES for a HEALTHY and HAPPY year for you!

Recharging Batteries

After a very exciting and successful year, Cami & I FINALLY took a little break. I lovingly call Cami “my little travel agent” because she always finds these neat trips to take and places for us to visit. This one was no different! We took a cruise that actually left from right here in Charleston! How cool is THAT!?! We sailed on the Norwegian Majesty down to Grand Cayman, on to Cozumel, then to Key West, and finally back home. I think Cami’s favorite port was in Grand Cayman because of her new feathered friend. šŸ™‚ Personally, I enjoyed the ATV Jungle Adventure in Cozumel waaaay too much, as evidenced by the mud that covered me head to toe at the finish line. Of course we touched the southern most tip of the United States while in Key West. And we had plenty of other good times both on the ship and off. It was WONDERFUL to get away, relax, and recharge our batteries in preparation for all the exciting surprises that 2007 will have in store for us. See ya next year!!!

Holiday Magic

Larry Lipov, president of Pearlstine Distributors, was so pleased with the photography we provided at his son’s Bar Mitzvah last month, that he asked us to cover another big event for him! He had worked and worked to book the famous Budweiser Clydesdale Horses to come to Charleston this year. While they were in town, he was having a special “Holiday Magic” luncheon in honor of all his employees and their families. He wanted each of those families to have the gift of a holiday portrait they would never forget. So we set up a little scene with the lead Clydesdale and his shiny red wagon. As we photographed each family, the camera wirelessly transmitted their images to a computer inside the big tent where the lunch was to be served. The event logo was added to the image and a 5×7 print was made on our high-speed portable photographic printer. The image was slipped into a professional folio to frame and protect it. By the time each family had wandered inside for lunch, their portrait was already completed and on display for them to pick up. They were amazed by OUR “Holiday Magic”! But giving each family this unique portrait they would never forget was the REAL magic moment for us!

Season’s Greetings

The Christmas Season is almost here! Each December, Cami, Henry, and I try to get a nice photo taken that we can share with family and friends. (You can take a look at last year’s, here.) This time we decided to do an “Old Charleston” scene. We asked our good friend, Gary Coleman, to photograph it for us. And we picked one of our favorite picturesque alleys, just off the lower end of Church St. The old brick homes, narrow walkways, and black iron fences have a real Charleston charm that’s hard to beat. Henry LOVES to ride in the car. So he was happy to pose for a few photos in exchange for us letting him hang his furry head out the window while we drove. It always cracks me up when the wind gets under his lips and those jowls start to flap back and forth! šŸ™‚ Anyway, we want to wish all of you a blessed Christmas Season!!!

AVP Volleyball

Today, I was invited by Mike Saia, Media Director of the Family Circle Cup, to get exclusive coverage of a major press conference at their facility. The AVP Professional Beach Volleyball Tour announced that Charleston would be the LATEST addition to the circuit. That’s PRETTY COOL!!! Mayor Joe Riley was there to welcome the tour. And super stars Holly McPeak and Stein Metzger flew in to say a few words and pose for a few photos. You can see several other photos from the conference on the FCC website here and on the Beach Volleyball Magazine website here. In addition to being given exclusive coverage of a private shoot with Holly & Stein on Stadium Center Court, I was invited to photograph the tournament when it arrives June 14-17. I grew up playing volleyball, and even played competitively my freshman year in college. So this is a HUGE TREAT for me to see some of my idols like Misty May, Karch Kiraly, & Kerri Walsh in action!

Healthcare Heroes

Many thanks to my good friend and fellow photographer, Gary Coleman. Since he was unable to photograph the annual Healthcare Heroes Banquet for the Charleston Regional Business Journal, he passed the assignment on to me. I’ve worked with the CRBJ on many projects before, but this was probably one of the most classy affairs I’ve covered for them. Everyone was dressed to impress and the venue, the Charleston Performing Arts Center, was decorated no different. The ever upbeat and always-entertaining Dean Stephens, of ABC News Channel 4 fame, was the Master of Ceremonies. I also have to tip my hat to Ruthie Sullivan for doing an impeccable job of organizing and keeping everyone on schedule!

It’s a Personal Thing

One question I get a lot is “since photography is your profession, what do you do for a hobby?” Well…PHOTOGRPHY…what else?!? šŸ™‚ On my day off or when I get all my work caught up and I have a couple extra hours to go “play”, I often grab my camera and find something to photograph for FUN! This particular Sunday, I heard about a Civil War Reenactment of the Battle of Secessionville being held at Boone Hall Plantation. Sounded interesting, so off I went! I sure am glad I did…these folks put on a first class show. Every detail is authentic, right down to their belt buckles and muskets. I HIGHLY encourage you to visit their website and mark next year’s event on your calendar – you won’t regret it!