Charleston Magazine Feature

This morning I thought I’d share with you a couple spreads from one of my favorite articles I shot for Charleton Magazine. It was a really creatively designed and colored kids room in downtown Charleston. Classic Remodeling did a fantastic job on the project. Since I’m a kid at heart, I truly got into the […]


I had a really neat assignment this morning for Blackbaud. They are a fantastic computer software company here in town. They were designing a new flash CD to go out in a mailer. So I got to do the photography for the project, which will be integrated into the flash presentation. April Parker did an […]

If I Had a Million Dollars…

I know it seems like I’ve been shooting a lot of editorial work recently. It’s a challenge I thoroughly enjoy. This was another Charleston Magazine shoot about remodeled carriage houses. This particular shot is from the historic Edmonston-Alston House at 21 East Battery. Mindy Crawford, the caretaker, was very helpful and told me all kinds […]