Kirsten is the most AMAZING young lady in the world! Cami & I know her well since she works at our absolutely wonderful dentist’s office, Hilton Dental. I had never met Jason before. But I was very impressed with his quiet strength and funny sense of humor. They have a wonderful son named Reis who was the handsome Ring Bearer and all-around hit of the party! J
Kirsten & Jason were married on Folly Beach in front of the HUGE beach house they’d rented out for the reception. She wore a gorgeous dress that was hand made for her, and had a really cool detachable lace train. He wore the quintessential khaki pants and white cotton shirt…perfect for the outdoors setting. Rev. Pete Lanzillottoy performed a beautiful service. The weather was perfect and the light was just right for some gorgeous shots on the beach with the dramatic glow of the setting sun. After checking out their fun Music Video at, head over to to see the rest of their photos.
In Season Catering kept our mouths watering. Complete Music ROCKED the reception. And everyone had a fantastic time! It was so much fun to be a part if Kirsten & Jason’s wedding. CONGRATULATIONS to the new Mr. & Mrs. Swander!!!