Dennis is a true gentleman in every sense of the word!
Several weeks ago he contacted me to ask if I would “descretely” hide and photograph him proposing to his girlfriend, Brittany. Only a kind, generous, madly in love guy thinks that far ahead to plan and have such a special occasion professionally photographed for his future bride!
Dennis & Brittany have a beautiful new daughter together. He told me he wanted to include Olivia in the proposal, which I thought was AWESOME! Being from Charlotte, they also love coming to Charleston for its history, charm, and great views of the harbor. Together we came up with a grand plan to have him propose at Oyster Point on The Battery, with Olivia in his arms. Afterwards, we would do a fun little mini family session in White Point Garden.
To help control traffic, and to photograph a different angle, Cami joined me on this shoot. As tourists approached the designated spot, we would quitly explain what was going to happen, and every single one of them was kind enough to wait before passing. By the time Dennis bowed on bended knee to ask for her hand in marriage, quite a crowd had assembled behind us. When Brittany said “Yes”, apploause and shouts of encouragement broke out all around! THAT was cool!!!
It’s always so special for us to be a part of these beautiful moments in people’s lives! Cami & I were tearing up when Brittany’s emotions overflowed. We will never forget being a part of this beautiful moment.
CONGRATULATIONS Brittany & Dennis!!!