Jackie & Jason’s Engagement Photos at White Point Garden

I am so excited about Jackie & Jason’s upcoming wedding this November!!! We’ve been talking, emailing, and planning for a couple months now. But yesterday was the first time I’d actually met Jackie & Jason in person! We met up at White Point Garden during late afternoon Golden Hour for their Engagement Session. We had […]

Kate & Matthew’s Engagement Photos

I had so much fun photographing Kate & Matthew’s Engagement Photos at Hampton Park last week! Matthew works at Westbrook Brewing. Kate works in the insurance industry at Park Circle. The two of them met online at the tail end of the Covid pandemic. Their first date was at Mellow Mushroom, just as restaurants were […]

Nicole & Julian’s Rainbow Row Engagement Session

Nicole & Julian scheduled their engagement session to be EXACTLY one year from the day of their wedding. How cool is that?!? We had so much fun getting to know each other, exploring Waterfront Park, the French Quarter, and Rainbow Row, as we captured beautiful images together. I loved hearing about their wedding and how […]

Madi & Connor’s Rainbow Row Engagement

Madi & Connor are ENGAGED!!! I had so much fun catching up with them and photographing their engagement photos yesterday. Madi & Connor went to high-school together. He is now in his first year of medical school. And she is in her last year of dental school. They are an absolutely ADORABLE couple…about to embark […]

Morgan & Ryan’s Engagement Session at Hampton Park

I met Morgan’s parents at a fun event I was photographing for the Aucoin Family. When they asked me to photograph their daughter’s wedding, I was absolutely DELIGHTED!!! With an unseasonably gorgeous 70-degree day yesterday, we headed out for a fun engagement shoot at Hampton Park. But not just your average engagement shoot, I was […]

Paulina & Ben’s Engagement

You may remember Paulina & Ben from one of the most unique secret proposals I’ve ever had the honor of capturing: https://chrisandcami.com/ben-proposes-to-paulina-at-the-holiday-festival-of-lights/. Fast forward to springtime, when I had the pleasure of photographing their beautiful engagement photos last evening!!! We met up at White Point Garden to take advantage of the gorgeous spring sunshine, and […]