I know a lot of photographers call this “Popcorn” photography or “Cruise Ship” photography, as if it’s of a lesser class than “real” photography. Sure, I agree it may not be the most artistic or creative expression of one’s imagination. But you know what, even within those precious few minutes I’m given with each couple, there is always room to provide a BETTER experience for them…and create a portrait that EXCEEDS their expectations! It doesn’t matter that the session is over in the blink of an eye. I can find out their names, ask where they’re from, and make a little joke to loosen them up. Sometimes, taking that personal interest in them is all it takes to make their experience a positive one. By knowing what I’m doing, paying attention to the details, and anticipating that moment of peek expression, their portrait can turn out better than they ever imagined. This was just one of HUNDREDS of images created at an Awards Banquet I shot at The Sanctuary for all the top General Motors dealerships in Canada. They loved their portraits and were amazed that we had them ready for them that evening!