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Caleb’s Senior Portraits

When was the last time you reconnected with an old friend? As the saying goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old. Some are silver, some are gold.”

Cami and I had the pleasure of reconnecting with our good friends, Jim & Re, this week. The last time we had seen them was when we photographed their daughter McKenzie’s senior portraits in March of 2023. So it was with great excitement that we met up with them to photograph their son Caleb’s senior portraits!!!

Caleb has grown into a handsome young man with a booming voice and an infectious smile! He works and hangs out in downtown Summerville a lot. So that’s the location he picked for his session. It’s a really cool area with lots of great backgrounds. Plus we ended up with beautiful golden-hour light that evening. We all had so much fun and came away with a ton of great shots for Caleb!

CONGRATULATIONS on completing this huge milestone in your life, Caleb! We wish you all the best for an exciting and successful career with the military!!!