I’ve just flew down to Tampa for my annual pilgrimage to the Imaging USA national photography conference. Although the weather was beautiful, I hardly got a chance to enjoy it. My daily routine included getting up at 5:00AM, soaking up new techniques, ideas, and inspiration at lectures from the GREATEST PHOTOGRAPHERS in the world, visiting booth after booth of the 600+ vendors in the Trade Show, and attending private functions with manufacturers that we currently partner with. I’d usually make it back to the hotel by about 9:00pm in time to get some rest and do it all over again the next day. As
usual, it was an AMAZING experience and such a pleasure to gain new insights from the most influential people in my profession. I CAN’T WAIT to apply everything I’ve learned to make this year the best one EVER!
Here’s a shot of Joe McNally, one of Nikon’s Legends Behind the Lens, answering question for a group of us Nikon Professional Services members.